Woman’s Club and Covid19: Guidelines

The Woman’s Club and Covid19 Guidelines are posted here so everyone can see how we’re handling this pandemic and following along with the recommended or required guidelines.

Health Restrictions at the Woman’s Club

Our goal is to protect the health of our members and keep the Woman’s Club open.  We know our members have many different opinions on what is safe and the risk we are willing to take.  We have attempted to apply the Shawnee County Department of Health and Environment guidance to the Woman’s Club.

We Ask You To:

  • Please wear a mask or other face covering while at the Woman’s Club when you cannot social distance.  Shawnee County defines other face covering to include a clear plastic face shield.
  • Social distance whenever possible.
  • Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer often.  We suggest you use hand sanitizer when you first come in and before leaving the Woman’s Club.

We want all of us to be well and enjoy being at the Woman’s Club.  We hopt to see you there!

Please do not come to the Woman’s Club:

  • If you are within 14 days of returning home from international travel or from a cruise or river cruise.
  • If you are within 14 days of attending a large (100+) event and you and others were not wearing masks and you were not socially distanced.
  • If in the last 14 days, you have been with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID.
  • If in the last 7 days, you have been in close contact for more than 15 minutes with people you suspect are not vaccinated and none of you were wearing masks or socially distanced.  (This does not include people you are in regular contact)
  • If you are feeling sick and/or running a temperature*

NOTE: Travel within the United States:

It is not necessary to stay away from the Woman’s Club after US travel for vaccinated individuals.  According to the KDHE: “Vaccinated persons are not required to quarantine…if they meet all of the following criteria:

  1. Are fuly vaccinated
  2. Have remained asymptomatic since the travel
  3. None of the above situations apply to you (Woman’s Club added this item)

*Know the Symptoms of the original COVID and symptoms of the Delta variant.

Fever and cough are present in both types, but headaches, sinus congestion, sore throats and runny noses all appear to be more common with the Delta strain.  Excessive sneezing is also a symptom.  Loss of taste and smell and shortness of breath, considered hallmark symptoms of the original virus, may happen less frequently with the Delta variant.

For more information on Covid19 and resources, please click here to go to KDHE’s website.