Mah Jongg

Winds and Dragons Mah Jongg Team

The Winds and Dragons Mah Jongg Team* meets every Friday at 1:00pm, contact Janet Williams, 785-272-1730

*Non-members are welcome to play

1 thought on “Mah Jongg”

  • Good Afternoon-
    My name is Christen and I am the Wellness Coordinator at Aldersgate Village, a community of Independent living Seniors. I have a small group (4) women who want to start playing Mah Jongg and possibly increase the group size over time. Three of them have played before but do not feel like they are strong enough to teach the other player. I was reaching out to see if your club would have somebody who could come out just once for a couple hours to refresh the memory of those who have played and possibly teach the one who hasn’t.

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