February 2025 Chatterbox

Welcome to the February 2025 Chatterbox, the Newsletter for the Woman’s Club of Topeka!


Helping with fundraisers is a great way to build friendships and have fun. Please consider getting involved.

Afternoon Tea

The tea is on Saturday, April 26. Please volunteer to be a committee member. The committee will determine the menu, establish the supplies we need, select decorations, set up for the tea on the Friday before, etc. We will meet three or four times as a committee. Committee members will not be required to bring food for the tea or to work during the tea.
Now is the time to volunteer. Please call Karen Swogger, 785-338-2833, or ZoAnn Torrey, 785-806-2308, to volunteer to be a committee member. Thank YOU!

Garage Sale

The garage sale will be in July. Please consider helping the days before the sale to set up for the sale and mark items. We also need volunteers to work the days of the sale and clean up at the end of the sale. When can you help? Mark your calendar now to help! Get your name on the volunteer list by calling or texting Carrie Riordan, the coordinator of the garage sale, 785-840-7083. Thank YOU!

We’ll See You at The. . .

· Bridge Tournament, Monday, March 31
· Afternoon Tea, Saturday, April 26
· 5th Friday Game Day, May 30
· Treasure Sale (Garage Sale), July

Garage Sale

Our next garage sale is June 26 and 27. Remember to save items for our sale! If you are moving, we have some room at the Woman’s Club where a few items can be stored. We’ll need help all week setting up for the sale, marking items, and working with the sale.We need everyone!
Carrie Riordan is the sales coordinator, so call her at 785-840-7083 if you have questions or plan to help. Thank you!

Donations for Veterans

Donations for veterans were collected at the Woman’s Club from mid-November to mid-December. The Veterans Hospital was happy to accept the donations on behalf of veterans. Thank you for donating to our veterans!

Holiday/Christmas Brunch

The Woman’s Club Holiday Brunch was a delightful time. Vicki Hutley donated two home decorations for the raffle. The wreath pictured here is one of her creations. Thank you, Vicki. You are a talented lady!

JANUARY, a Cold, Snowy Month

January has seen plenty of ice and snow. The 14” snow on January 5th is one of the top four record snows. The ice can still form on the ground, and walking on it is quite dangerous. Several ladies we know have fallen; so be careful!!
The Torrey’s took a picture of a chair from a covered patio sitting in a cleared dog path. If you look to the left of the chair, you can see how deep the snow was. Twenty-seven days later, there is still snow on the ground. WIBW reported the second longest consecutive days that snow has been on the ground are 32 days. I wonder if we will still have snow on February 5– 33 days after our big snow? This rain may keep January 2025 snow in third place.


February 6: Juanita Cornelius will present the program,
Safety for Women Traveling Alone
March 6: Decorating Hints and Ideas. Lori McNorton,
Owner of Blooms on Boswell, will present this
interesting, idea-packed program.
April 3: Nursing Scholarships and History
will be presented by Janet Carpenter, Washburn
University, and Libby Rosen, Baker School of
Nursing. It’s always interesting to hear about new technology used in the nursing programs and the status of their programs.
The WC has given nursing scholarships for over 105 years.
May 1: From the Farm, To the Bridge, To Prison. Connie Hubbell, daughter of an American Veteran, will share this poignant story.


Come enjoy the conversation at Book Club on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 1:00. You are always welcome.
February: Water for Elephants, by Sara Gruen
March: The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peels Pie Society, by Mary Ann Shaffer
April: The Women, by Kristin Hannah (tentative)


Ready to help others? Watch for more information about helping at Doorstep.

Ace of Hearts Duplicate Bridge Team

We had a great Holiday party on December 17. Duplicate players came from Manhattan and Lawrence, and we had seven full tables, which is about the most tables we’ve had since Covid. We enjoy it when we have visitors and appreciate Woman’s Club members who have recently started playing duplicate. V’Anne Desch has recruited some beginning duplicate players and is going to provide two extra tables to Game Day on January 31. On a rather sad note, we lost one of our long-time Bridge players, Sally Henry, last Thursday. At this time, we do not have any information on Services. (Sally was a Woman’s Club member for a few years. In fact, she helped organize the WC Cookbook to publish.) Please let V’Anne or me know if you are interested in learning more about duplicate. Bridge players are always welcome. –Jan Tillery

Ever Young Bridge

If you enjoy an afternoon of fun playing bridge, then Ever Young Bridge is the place for you. We play the second and fourth Monday of each month and we welcome new players to join in.
If you need lessons for a beginner or just want to brush up on your bridge, we can arrange for that too. So come join us and get to know us. You will be glad you did. For information about Ever Young Bridge or lessons call Joan Arterburn at 785-408-5174, or Karen Swogger at 785-338-2833.

Gad Abouts

The first event planned is the Topeka Festival Singers spring concert on March 10 at 7:30 at White Concert Hall. Some of us attended their Christmas concert and it was lovely. The cost is $30 for adults, $25 for seniors. If you want to go, please contact me no later than Feb. 25.
The second event is Topeka Civic Theatre’s musical “Waitress”. This show has been nominated for four Tony awards including Best Musical. The date is March 23 at 2:00 and the cost is $30. If you want to go, please contact me no later than Feb. 12. I know it’s an early notification, but we want to be sure to get seats together. I also know it is two events in March, but we need to shake off the cold and snow and have some fun! –Kathy Diehl

Margaret Hill McCarter Team

In December, members of the MHMc Team and friends toured the Sacred Heart – St. Joseph Catholic Church chapel. The restored 100-year-old church is beautiful; the seven-million-dollar restoration was completed in 2020. The church was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1971. The two identical spires towering over the community are recognizable to many. Teresa Thompson was the tour guide.

All Woman’s Club members are welcome to attend MHMc meetings on the second Wednesday of each month at 10 am. In February, Gayle Hassler will present a program on Mount Vernon. In March, Betty Frantz will report on legislative activities, especially bills that deal with education and women’s concerns. We’ll spend time at the April meeting Getting to Know You using Talking Point cards.

Mexican Train

We play Mexican Train every Wednesday and Friday at 1:00. New players are always welcome at this easy-to-learn domino game

Mah Jongg

A group of Mah Jongg players started the year off right – playing Mah Jongg on New Year’s Day! Ladies at all four tables stopped to take a picture. Thanks for sharing.
You can play Mah Jongg at the Woman’s Club every Friday afternoon at 1:00. Lessons are available.


“Age is something that doesn’t matter unless you are a cheese.” Billie Burke
“Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” Mark Twain
“The older we get, the fewer things seem worth waiting in line for.” Will Rogers
How can you tell if someone is aging with grace? They radiate wisdom and kindness, like a human sunset!


Ace of Hearts Duplicate Bridge*: every Tuesday & Thursday 12:30, contact Jan Tillery, 785-478-4670
Book Club: 2nd Thursday, 1:00, contact Betty Frantz, 785-273-9278
Ever Young Bridge*:2nd & 4th Mondays, 1:00, contact Karen Swogger, 785-338-2833
Gad Abouts: As events are scheduled. Contact Kathy Diehl, 785-969-7755
Hand and Foot*: every Monday at 1:00, contact Janet Williams, 785-272-1730
Heritage Bridge: 4th Thursday, 12:00 Lunch then Bridge, contact Joan Arterburn, 785-408-5174
Margaret Hill McCarter Team: 2nd Wednesday of the month, 10:00, contact Jan Gilliland at 785-633-4098
Mexican Train*: Every Friday at 1:00, contact Mary Adkin, 785-845-8566. Every Wednesday 1:00, contact Deborah Hardin, 785-806-5502
Queen of Diamonds Marathon Bridge*: 1st Monday at 1:00 October through June. Contact Susan Turner, 554-5686 or Karen Swogger, 785-338-2833.
Winds & Dragons Mah Jongg*: every Friday at 1:00, contact Janet Williams, 785-272-1730

To download a copy of the Chatterbox for your files or to print, click Chatterbox Feb 2025.

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